Background : Rheumatic heart disease is major health issue in India. The prevalence of RF/RHD in 5 14year -old children is 1.0/1000 (95% CI 0.8-1.3). Live registry for these patients can help to track and provide effective management of patients. Compliance with medication is closely linked with positive patient
-staff interactions. Purpose of the study was to create a penicillin registry for patients diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease visiting AIIMS Cardio logy OPD. Evaluate the effectiveness of penicillin registry Materials and Methods: An online registry was prepared for rheumatic heart disease patients getting penicillin injection every 21 days. Their next due date of injection was auto calculated, a text message was also sent in their registered mobile number to remind them a day before their due date. Findings:Over period of two month total numbers of patients registered online in penicillin registry were 786, female patients registered were 448. Outof the total 80% were compliant, 20% were not compliant Conclusion: Penicillin registry could become an important tool for maintaining database of rheumatic heart disease patients. It could help in checking their compliance and sending reminders to them for getting the Benzathine injection timely
Rheumatic Heart Disease, Penicillin, Compliance