The formation of Correlated Electron Pairs Oscillating around the Fermi level in Resonant Quantum States (CEPO -RQS), when a metal is cooled to its critical temperature , is studied. The necessary conditions for the existence of CEPO RQS are analyzed. The participation of electron electron interaction screened by an electron dielectric constant of the form proposed electron electron interaction screened by an electron dielectric constant of the form proposed interaction in the formation of the CEPO-RQS is given. The internal state of the CEPO-RQS is characterized by taking into account the internal Hamiltonian, obtaining a general quadratic equation that represents its binding energy and depends only on temperature and critical temperature. A parameter is also defined that contains the properties that qualitatively characterizes the nature of a material to form the CEPO-RQS.
Superconductivity Theory, Phonon,Electron Pairs, Correlated Electrons